Sunday, 3 March 2019

The Value of Self-Worth

Ever wondered why we've always felt the need to be a little taller, little fairer, little slimmer, richer, more beautiful, have that perfect set of teeth, perfect hair, company of that perfect gang of friends, the need to always have someone to vent out with, someone to constantly assure you're doing well, or that one person who you've always eyed on? 

Ever wondered why every day is not a happy day, why that one off day feels so terrible? It's because we don't acknowledge our worth or try to be "good enough" to match our expectations of a better person. Know your worth! Work on the kind of person you fancy to be. What you invest on others might get wasted, but the efforts you put on getting better never will!

Above all, respect everyone and respect yourself. Being modest is good but there's a fine line between being modest and being an idiot. As much as you appreciate your fellow acquaintences, ackowledge the hard work and dedication you put into making something work. Confidence begins with self-respect. Encourage others to do well, and work twice as hard to be better than today. 

Be positive! Sounds so common, but it's as hard to practice. Not every day gets a good start. Some days are bad for no reason! Eat right, love yourself enough to notice the changes in you with your mood. Smile through it, for it releases cortisols and works toward signalling your brain to release happy hormones. Our body and mind are connected, so the effects of one aspect reflects on the other. Hence, triggering a stimulation to feel the way you want is possible. 

Align yourself with the miracles you want to witness. It's true that if you want something with all your heart and soul, the universe conspires on making it work for you. But what's it like to want something so much! That kind of passion doesn't come with everything we want. Inherently we somehow know what we want with all our capacity, yet we tend to be diverted what we think we want the most. But some part of our mind always tells us if something is not worth trying for or wasting time sulking over. All we got to do is to listen to that instinct. 

Don't get hung up on one thing and waste your time. Something works for you? Great! Something doesn't go well? Still great, because it adds clarity on what's not going to work out for you and what you can channelize your energy on. Remember, no matter how your day goes, how you start the next day is always under your control! 

Not a Sadhguru follower, but this made sense to me. Don't let others control over how you feel. If you let others be the reason why you feel happy, sad, or angry, that's the ultimate slavery.

If you aspire to be in a certain way, living it that way to the best of your capacity is the best way to start with. 

Strike a balance between dream and reality. At the end, not achieving or going in the best path assumed also causes frustration. One good step at a time is a great start to pick up from.